Nevada– Utah 4: Arches in the Rain

Palindromes and Road Trips

Road Trip Tally

This Trip
2,500 MILES 

Larry Has Gone: 26,000 Miles
Cataloged 12,650 photos
11 NEW LIFE LIST Bird Species

This day in Arches was a stormy one. This might seem like a disadvantage to a hiker / photographer, but it was quite the opposite for me. I visited this park previously on a typical sunny desert day in May, and the heat was stifling. On this overcast day with intermittent thunderstorms, it was quite cool for walking. And, the wet orange sandstone and soft light turned the scenery into a whole new experience.

When I first heard thunder, I was in a very narrow pass surrounded by rock walls. I didn’t recognize the sound at first, a diffuse rumble and roar that gave no indication of direction…more like a jet or a train approaching. It wasn’t until I connected a flash of lightning to the subsequent earth-shaking noise that I realized what I was hearing. I won’t forget that.

Arches National Park is perhaps best known for its stunning array of natural arches, but its geological wonders extend far beyond these iconic formations. The park boasts a mesmerizing landscape of towering pinnacles, sculpted mesas, and sweeping vistas, all carved from the vibrant red sandstone that defines the region.To understand the geological history of Arches National Park, we must rewind the clock millions of years. The story begins with ancient seas that once covered this land, depositing layers of sand and sediment that would eventually form the rock layers we see today. Over time, these layers were uplifted and sculpted by the forces of erosion, giving rise to the breathtaking landscapes of the park.

Erosion is the master sculptor of Arches National Park, tirelessly shaping and reshaping its rock formations over millennia. Wind, water, and ice have all played a role in carving the park’s iconic arches, spires, and fins, creating a stunning array of shapes and textures that seem almost otherworldly.

Beyond its geological wonders, Arches National Park is also a treasure trove of scientific discoveries. Fossilized tracks of ancient creatures, petroglyphs left by Indigenous peoples, and remnants of ancient civilizations offer glimpses into the rich tapestry of human and natural history that has unfolded within the park’s boundaries.

I’m not sure what this guy is. Any herp folks send me a message if you know.

The soft light on this day made Arches National Park a completely different visual experience.

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