Nevada– Utah 3: Kolob Canyon

Palindromes and Road Trips

Road Trip Tally

This Trip
2,500 MILES 

Larry Has Gone: 26,000 Miles
Cataloged 12,650 photos
11 NEW LIFE LIST Bird Species

Kolob Canyon

So, what can you expect when you lace up your hiking boots and hit the trails in Kolob Canyon? Well, for starters, there’s the iconic Timber Creek Overlook Trail, a moderate trek that rewards intrepid adventurers with sweeping views of the canyon below. Or, if you’re feeling up for a challenge, tackle the La Verkin Creek Trail. I chose the latter. I was on the lookout for mule deer, mountain lions, and California condors, which are sometimes reported here in this distant corner of Zion National Park. This portion of Zion is not accessible from the main park, which means the roadways and trails are much less visited. I went at sunset and stayed until dark, hoping to add a Mexican Spotted Owl to my finds.

The trail sign suggested I might possibly find a Mexican Spotted Owl. That did not happen.

Kolob Canyon is primarily made up of Navajo sandstone, which is famous for its vibrant red and orange hues. When faced with an overwhelming vista, my favorite landscape lens to overcome panorama brain is actually a long, fast telephoto that allows me to find mini compositions in the vast scene in front of me. This restores my focus (so to speak) and is counter to most photographers who favor wide angle lenses.

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