Bryce Canyon to Capitol Reef National Parks

Road Trip Tally

States: UT
Miles: 400
Total_Miles: 5200
Keeper Photos: 650
Total: 2700
New Species Added: 0
Total Road Trip Bird List: 97
Added to Life List So Far This Trip: 10

These two locations truly span the range of Utah’s national parks. Bryce is half the size with twice the number of visitors. It is filled with its unusual signature hoodoo formations, most of which can be enjoyed with short hikes off tame paved roads. Capitol Reef is vast and under-explored by comparison. Some of the finest scenery, those red striped canyons and steep cliff faces that rise from both sides of the road, are mostly found along the narrow dirt road spurs. This cathedral of deep valleys is at times reminiscent of a slot canyon with narrow views of the blue skies between vertical canyon walls. While the roads at Capitol Reef National Park are pretty easily navigated, even in a car, there is a certain exhilaration in that a sudden rainstorm would most certainly render them impassable in any vehicle. Even the paved roads dip into gullies and washes, and are prone to flooding by fast moving water. Bryce Canyon feels quite civilized in comparison, with Capitol Reef having a distinct back country feel in spots. Of course, Bryce Canyon has those hoodoos as a main attraction while Capitol Reef has no such iconic tourist attractions. It instead has vast colorful canyons, cottonwood tree lined streams, a couple of small orchards and rural settlements, and a general wildness as its main draw.

Bryce Canyon

HD Video of a few Bryce Canyon images. If you view on YouTube, you are able to make it full screen.

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Bryce CanyonGallery

About an hour or so to the west of Bryce Canyon is the Dixie National Forest. I passed through this “preview of coming attractions” at sunrise, on my way to Bryce Canyon.

Capitol Reef

Cottonwood trees with spring leaflets lined every stream.

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Capitol Reef Gallery

Bird List Species Added April 18

Additional Species None

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