Zion National Park

Road Trip Tally

States: AZ UT
Miles: 500
Total_Miles: 4800
Keeper Photos: 200
Total: 2050
New Species Added: 0
Total Road Trip Bird List: 97
Added to Life List So Far This Trip: 10

Zion is on my list of parks to which I must return for a longer stay. A day is not enough to fully explore the area unless you are doing a drive through, that is, seeing the park from your car. This was probably the most breathtaking of the parks I visited on this road trip, even though I was only there for a few hours.

HD Video of a few Zion images. If you view on YouTube, you are able to make it full screen.

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Clicking on any of the images below will open a new tab where the image can be viewed enlarged..

Clicking on any of the images below will send you into a gallery where they can be viewed at larger size on a computer or tablet screen.

Zion Gallery

Bird List Species Added April 17

Additional Species None

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