Bar Harbor Leg ME MA CT NY NJ PA

Road Trip Tally

States: NH ME MA CT PA
Miles: 1,300
Total_Miles: 3,700
MPG: 19.0
Keeper Photos: 598
Total: 1,084
New Species Added: 6
Total Road Trip Bird List: 94

Fast Eddie’s Drive In, Winthrop, ME

Embrace the retro.

Every time I have driven the Maine coast, crossing the great green suspension bridge that used to be here was my personal marker to passage into “Downeast Maine.”

Not to make this all about food (sometimes it is), but the first thing I did as I approached Bar Harbor was stop at the first roadside lobster pound to get a fried clam dinner. These are not your Mom and Pop diner clam strips. They would run you out of Maine for serving those! These are whole Ipswich Clams, the same ones they call steamers when prepared differently. I was disappointed to learn that clam diggers have been coming up empty and that clams were hitting market prices higher than lobster per pound (and that is with the shell). So these dozen clams, frozen fries, cole slaw, and a drink…just under $30. And I did it twice!

Lupines were everywhere, like dandelions in my yard. I was recalling Miss Rumphius from my early days teaching. It is a lovely story, befitting the flowers. You can hear it here.

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Frequently I find myself discretely walking or driving into places I may or may not be welcomed, possibly private drives, working docks, etc. Sometimes I get booted, usually not.

Bass Harbor

Gallery I


Among the Road Trips I took while camping in Bar Harbor: Blue Hill, Deer Isle, and Stonington. In Stonington, I had lunch downtown at Harbor Cafe, opting for local haddock from the dock across the street. Deer Isle and Stonington are among my favorite places in Maine. I would move there in heartbeat if an opportunity presented itself.

Gallery II

Acadia National Park

One highlight, I was carded at the park entrance! Who knew that you had to prove your age when purchasing a lifetime National Parks Pass…

I have been here so many times that taking photos was less an interest than simply hiking some trails and enjoying the surreal ambiance of the island. Nonethless, I took about 250 photos worth keeping, a few of which are featured below.

Gallery III

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EBird Location Mt. Desert Island

44 Species observed 158 individuals

New Species Added to the Road Trip List on This Trip

  1. Black ScoterNumber observed: 40 Details Seawall picnic area (life species)
  2. Common NighthawkNumber observed: 2
  3. Herring GullNumber observed: 10
  4. Barn SwallowNumber observed: 3
  5. Winter WrenNumber observed: 2
  6. American RedstartNumber observed: 2

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