Drive Day: PA NY VT

Road Trip Tally

States: PA NY VT
Miles: 442
Total_Miles: 1,758
MPG: 19.3
Keeper Photos: 40
Total: 336
New Species Added: NA
Total Road Trip Bird List: 74

I am always excited to cross a state line when traveling. Not long after crossing into New York on Route 81, the scenery had already taken on an “upstate” vibe, and I thought, “I wonder how far the Adirondacks are from here?” Quite far as it turns out. Just seconds after had that thought, I passed the roadside color-fest pictured below, row after row of “Adirondacks!”

Of course, these gaudy Adirondacks were not the ones I had been thinking about, but their timely appearance brought a chuckle.

Point B on Map
I cannot resist a roadside spectacle, so I turned the camper around and stopped to admire the “Adirondacks,” which are apparently now in Hoosick New York!
These are all phone pictures to document the hillside covered in chairs.
There were plenty of orange ones that would have nicely coordinated with the Tangerine Teardrop, but not at $400 a pop.

Every now and then, a wide shoulder and a view of the mountains came together. The sign said “head-in parking only.” Too bad.

Moving through the south end of Vermont, I twisted my way through the Green Mountains between Bennington and Brattleboro. I have a hard time passing a great barn or covered bridge, but stopping to take photos is a little more complicated when hauling a camper. There is no quick pulling off on the shoulder! In Brattleboro, I passed the Creamery Covered Bridge. Luckily, it was next to a large parking lot, an easy place to navigate with my Pumpkin Coach in tow.

I had to stop for this beautiful bridge.

Point D on Map
Built in 1879, The Creamery Bridge is Brattleboro’s last surviving 19th-century covered bridge.

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